How to generate the build of a Vue app

Generating a production build of your Vue app is a crucial step before deploying it to a server. This process optimizes your code, reduces file sizes, and improves performance. Here’s a breakdown of how to do it, covering both the Vue CLI and Vite approaches:

1. Using Vue CLI (if your project was created with it)

The Vue CLI provides a convenient command for building your app.

vue-cli-service build

This command will:

  • Transpile your code: Convert your Vue components and JavaScript into browser-compatible code.
  • Minify your files: Reduce the size of your JavaScript, CSS, and HTML files by removing whitespace and shortening variable names.
  • Optimize assets: Compress images and other assets.
  • Generate a `dist` directory: This directory will contain all the files needed to deploy your application.

Customizing the Build:

You can customize the build process by adding various flags to the vue-cli-service build command. Here are some common options:

  • –mode: Specifies the build mode. The default is production. You can also use development for a non-minified build (useful for debugging a production-like environment).
  • –dest: Specifies the output directory for the build. The default is dist.
  • –watch: Watches for file changes and rebuilds the app automatically. Useful during development.


vue-cli-service build --mode production --dest my-app-build


You can further customize the build process by configuring the vue.config.js file (create it if it doesn’t exist in your project root). This file allows you to modify Webpack settings, configure output paths, and more.

Example vue.config.js:

module.exports = {
// ... other options
outputDir: 'my-custom-dist', // Customize output directory
// ... other options

2. Using Vite (if your project was created with it)

Vite uses Rollup under the hood for production builds and is known for its speed.

vite build

This command will:

  • Bundle your code: Combine your JavaScript modules into optimized chunks.
  • Minify your files: Reduce the size of your assets.
  • Generate a dist directory: Similar to Vue CLI, this directory will contain the production-ready files.

Customizing the Build:

Vite’s build process can be customized through the vite.config.js or vite.config.ts file.

Example vite.config.js:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue';

export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue()],
build: {
outDir: 'my-custom-dist', // Customize output directory
// ... other build options

Key Configuration Options (Vite):

  • build.outDir: Specifies the output directory.
  • build.assetsDir: Specifies the directory for static assets.
  • build.minify: Whether to minify the output. Defaults to true for production.
  • build.rollupOptions: Allows you to configure Rollup’s options for more advanced customization.

After the Build:

Once the build process is complete, you’ll find the optimized files in the dist (or your custom output) directory. You can then copy the contents of this directory to your web server to deploy your Vue application.

Serving the Build Locally (for testing):

It’s a good idea to test your production build locally before deploying it. You can use a simple static server like serve or http-server for this:

# Using serve (install it globally: npm install -g serve)
serve -s dist

# Using http-server (install it globally: npm install -g http-server)
http-server dist

These commands will start a local server, allowing you to preview your production build in your browser.

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