How to solve Invalid prop: type check failed for prop ‘X’ error in Vue?

The “Invalid prop: type check failed for prop ‘X'” error in Vue occurs when you pass a prop to a component with an invalid type. Vue automatically performs type checking on props based on the expected type specified in the prop definition, so if the passed value doesn’t match the expected type, you’ll get this error. Here are some steps to help you solve this error:

  1. Check the prop definition: Double-check the prop definition in the child component to make sure that the expected type matches the type of the value being passed. Make sure that you’re using the correct syntax for defining the prop type, such as type: String or type: Number.
  2. Check the value being passed: Make sure that the value being passed matches the expected type. If the prop is expecting a string, make sure that you’re passing a string, and not a number or object.
  3. Use a validator function: If you need to perform more complex validation on the prop value, you can use a validator function to customize the validation logic. Validator functions are defined as a property of the prop object and take the prop value as an argument. If the function returns false, the type check will fail and the error will be thrown.
  4. Use a default value: If the prop is optional and you’re not sure whether it will always be passed with the correct type, you can provide a default value that matches the expected type. If the passed value is of the wrong type, Vue will use the default value instead.

By following these steps, you should be able to fix the “Invalid prop: type check failed for prop ‘X'” error in Vue and ensure that your component is receiving the correct prop types.

How to avoid this error?

The best way to avoid this error is to make sure that the values you pass to your props match the types you define for them. You can use tools like TypeScript or Vue Prop Types to help you with type checking and validation. You can also use the built-in validators that Vue provides, such as required, default, validator, etc.

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